Appstle | Appstle Loyalty vs Rivo Loyalty & Rewards

Appstle Loyalty & Rewards

Appstle | Appstle Loyalty vs Rivo Loyalty & Rewards

Rivo Loyalty & Rewards

An Alternative To Rivo Loyalty & Rewards App

Why Appstle Loyalty & Rewards Is Better

More than ever, there is a thriving market for eCommerce loyalty programs. Customers are increasingly favoring it. Additionally, merchants are addressing customer requirements with new and advanced digital tools and capabilities.


There are numerous components that need to function in sync for loyalty programs to be successful — including billing, incentives, communication, customer service, new features, etc. Because of this, it’s crucial to have a Shopify loyalty program app that provides a seamless digital experience for both businesses and customers.


For Shopify stores, there are many loyalty and rewards programs, but Appstle Loyalty & Rewards seems to win out from the crowd.


Let’s now examine why the Appstle app is a superior alternative to Rivo Loyalty & Rewards

Rivo vs Appstle – A snapshot


Appstle Loyalty & Rewards


Different types of loyalty

Efficient customer support

Powerful customization

Competitive pricing

Dedicated loyalty page

Security & Stability


Easy migration

API & documentation

Flexibility of discount code

What is Appstle Loyalty & Rewards App?

With more than 15000 Shopify and Shopify Plus merchants onboard, Appstle is the No. 1 app for Shopify stores. It provides the best customer loyalty capabilities and features. Some of the key features of the Appstle app are:


  • High customization capability
  • Flexible billion options
  • Customer loyalty-building features
  • Different types of loyalty programs
  • 24/7 customer support to merchants
  • Growth-focused analytics
  • Business growth tools
  • Quick checkout features
  • Instant bundling to enhance customer experience
  • Customizable customer portal
  • Automation capabilities
  • Easy third-party integrations
  • Dunning management

What is Rivo Loyalty & Referrals app?

Rivo is a loyalty and referrals app designed for Shopify stores to set up and manage loyalty and referral programs. Its features include customization, reviews, dynamic pop-ups, easy integration with product pages, email marketing system, etc. 

Rivo vs. Appstle: Why Appstle is the best Rivo Loyalty & Referrals alternative?

Types of loyalty programs

There are many types of loyalty programs, such as paid, spend-based, value-based, tiered, and gamified loyalty programs. The type of loyalty program most suitable to a Shopify store often depends on the product/service, business sector, and clientele. 


However, you need an app that offers these different types of programs. Besides, it should be easy for you to select a loyalty type from many options. Moreover, you should be able to easily set up the loyalty and rewards program. 


But if the app doesn’t offer options, you won’t be able to choose. You’ll have to make do with the limited options. And that will have an impact on how well your loyalty program performs.


The Appstle Loyalty & Rewards app offers a wider selection of loyalty programs. It is a well-liked alternative to Rivo Loyalty & Referrals app.

Customization features

In today’s eCommerce environment, customization is highly necessary. Customers want brands to be unique, as it makes them feel exclusive. These are areas that make Appstle Loyalty & Rewards a better app than Rivo.


Appstle’s functionalities are comprehensive and customizable. The features are user-friendly 

including effective reward program development and management tools, innovative and frictionless loyalty incentives, churn control, and more. 


Appstle also allows high personalization, which helps increase brand value. Besides, Appstle’s always ready customer support team helps merchants with customizing the features. This is yet another area where Rivo Loyalty & Rewards app may get left behind by Appstle.

Better pricing

The pricing of the loyalty program app is a crucial factor. An expensive app could raise the cost of your program, which would lower profits.


Let’s see how much Appstle Loyalty and Rivo Loyalty & Referrals cost in comparison.


  • Currently, the Appstle Loyalty & Rewards app is free. Rivo Loyalty & Referrals also offers a free plan. 
  • The free version of Appstle includes a variety of program types, gamification features, analytics, and customer support that is available around the clock.
  • Rivo also has a free plan and in addition, three paid plans.
  • In the future, Appstle may or may not have a paid plan. Whatever the case, Appstle would remain much cheaper than Rivo.

Rivo plans and pricing:

Appstle | Appstle Loyalty vs Rivo Loyalty & Rewards

Dedicated loyalty page

Another reason why merchants say Appstle is a better alternative to Rivo Loyalty & Rewards is the simplicity that Appstle offers to manage the loyalty program from a single loyalty page. 


With the help of the Appstle Loyalty & Rewards app, Shopify merchants can give customers two ways to manage their loyalty programs: through a widget on the storefront and a separate loyalty page. Customers can choose either of these options or even both. 


In this regard, Rivo Loyalty & Rewards could lag behind in terms of ease of use. In the competitive eCommerce market, seamlessness and convenience are important factors for customers. Luckily, Appstle Loyalty & Rewards App addresses this need.

Security features

The likelihood of security threats has increased worldwide. One of the biggest hazards to eCommerce businesses is fraud, followed by phishing. Therefore, it’s crucial for eCommerce systems — websites, apps, digital tools — to be able to protect against threats and always maintain the security of consumer information. 


But Shopify retailers need not worry about security, thanks to the Appstle Loyalty & Rewards app. As the volume of your business transactions rises, the Appstle app is designed to securely scale with it. The software is made with strong security mechanisms that protect user data. This is just another factor in favor of merchants choosing Appstle over the alternative Rivo Loyalty & Rewards app.

Customer service

As it is eCommerce, customers could use the app at any time. Hence, it is crucial for eCommerce merchants to have the loyalty program platform operational at all times. However, occasionally, there could be technical issues that might interfere with the operations. 


In such situations, retailers require the help of the technical and customer support teams of the apps they use. Appstle scores higher than other apps for its customer service. Appstle provides effective support from skilled and qualified merchant success engineers around-the-clock. As a result, Appstle is a significantly superior alternative to Rivo Loyalty & Rewards app.


Here’s what one Appstle customer said:

Appstle | Appstle Loyalty vs Rivo Loyalty & Rewards

Ease of migration

There is a lot going on in the space of loyalty programs right now, including gamification, unique perks, bonuses, and advanced digital functionalities. Customers want the best loyalty experiences from their preferred eCommerce brands. Additionally, online retailers work to stay current with expectations and trends.


However, for brands, it’s easier said than done. When you want to switch from your existing tool to a new tool, for example, the switch can disturb your business flow. But Appstle guarantees white glove migration support.


The flawless, quick, and interruption-free nature of the procedure is guaranteed by Appstle’s devoted migration professional engineers. It is simple to switch to Appstle Loyalty & Rewards from any other loyalty app, making it a more preferred app than its alternative, Rivo Loyalty and Rewards App.


APIs are a crucial part of the distributed application architecture used today and make application development easier. 


The open API documentation for Appstle enhances the app’s functionality for Shopify stores. This increases the app’s agility and grants other apps safe access to data and services for improved app functioning. This is yet another feature that makes Appslte a better Rivo Loyalty & Rewards alternative app.

Discount and offer codes

One of the biggest eCommerce crowd-pullers is discounts. The majority of brands provide discounts for both one-time purchases and subscriptions. Discount codes must, however, allow both of the above-mentioned transactions in order for customers to take advantage of savings in both.

Appstle promo codes work on both one-time purchases and those connected to loyalty programs and reward programs. As a result, businesses using Appstle can provide their customers with more. 

However, if a loyalty app does not provide this feature, all customers cannot avail discount. Appstle is a more preferred app as it keeps the end-customer at the center and offers discounts for one-time and repeated purchases.

Install Appstle Loyalty & Rewards app on your Shopify store

Many Shopify and Shopify Plus merchants are switching to Appstle Loyalty & Rewards App because they think it’s better than Rivo. And there’s good justification for that. Get in touch with our team at Appstle if you would like to know more about how the app can help your Shopify business boost sales and engagement. 


Install Appstle Loyalty & Rewards App today!

As Seen On

“A strong e-commerce presence is more of a necessity today, and Appstle has made it possible by offering sound solutions and functionalities.” 

– USA Today


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