Appstle | Appstle vs Casa Subscriptions

Appstle Subscriptions

Appstle | Appstle vs Casa Subscriptions

Casa Subscriptions

An Alternative To Casa Subscriptions

Why Appstle Subscriptions Shopify App Is Better

More and more consumers are jumping on the eCommerce subscription bandwagon. Whether it’s food, wellness supplements, favorite entertainment, or clothing, you’ll find subscription options galore across different products and industries.


Now, when customers sign up for these subscriptions, they’re not just looking for a run-of-the-mill deal. Nope, they want something special, packed with awesome perks. And eCommerce merchants are bending over backward to deliver the best subscription experiences to keep their customers happy.


But the factor that’s crucial for Shopify merchants is — nailing the subscriptions app. The catch is, with a gazillion Shopify subscriptions apps out there, picking the right one can be confusing.

We’re comparing Appstle Subscriptions app as an alternative to Casa Subscriptions. Our mission? To help you figure out which one takes the cake—Appstle or Casa. Let’s dive in and find the perfect subscriptions app for your needs!

Casa vs. Appstle – A snapshot


Appstle Subscriptions

Casa Subscriptions

Easy migration

Efficient customer support

Flexibility to add new functionalities

Comprehensive features

Customer engagement features

Integrated checkout with Shopify checkout

0% transaction fee

Multiple pricing tiers covering
Enterprises and SMBs

High customer-centric approach

What is Casa Subscriptions App?

Casa Subscriptions app is a subscriptions tool that offers features such as integration with other apps, allows to set maximum number of retries for payment failures, different types of subscriptions, customization of frequency, one-time and subscription payments, etc.

What is Appstle Subscriptions App?

The Appstle Subscriptions app is the best in the market, according to Shopify merchants. Reviews shared by Shopify and Shopify Plus merchants are proof of it being the number one app. 

Here’s what one merchant had to say:

Appstle | Appstle vs Casa Subscriptions

Merchants have also appreciated the app’s other features, including customization capabilities, seamless integration, user-friendly dashboard, tailored subscription plans, quick customer service, among others.

Here are some more plus points of Appstle Subscriptions app:

  • Helps retrieve lost sales/ failed payments
  • Provides flexible billing options
  • Different types of subscription models
  • 24/7/365 customer support
  • Subscription analytics and reporting
  • Quick checkout
  • Easily integrates third-party apps
  • Automation capabilities

Appstle Subscriptions vs Casa Subscriptions for Shopify stores

Here’s how the two Shopify subscriptions apps compare across key parameters that can impact the success of the business model on your online store:

Ease of set up and use

One of the primary factors that merchants look for when evaluating apps is the simplicity of setting up and using the app. Ease of installation and operation appeals to merchants because it gives their in-house teams an efficient tool to work with that requires minimal external support. This also means merchants do not need to recruit specialized technical personnel to manage the tools.

In the context of ease of use and setup, Appstle distinctly outperforms Casa Subscriptions. Feedback from Appstle users consistently highlights the app’s user-friendly interface and ease of management, positioning it as a superior alternative to Casa Subscriptions.

Features that help boost revenue

Your Shopify subscription apps should not only have a comprehensive set of features, it should also be intuitive enough to help increase your sales. For example, Appstle provides features that help increase revenue for subscription brands. The app’s dunning management system helps retain customers and revive failed transactions via automation. Appstle also allows different types of subscription plans, for example, bundling, as well as allows customization to customers’ preferences.

Privacy and security

Customers are most afraid of online transactions because of fraud and phishing incidents. To keep customers secure and safe, subscription businesses must ensure compliance with safety measures and data protection.


Appstle Subscriptions app is compliant with GDPR and data protection policies. Moreover, Appstle keeps the tool updated with data protection and privacy regulations. This is one more reason why thousands of Shopify merchants prefer to use Appstle instead of other subscriptions apps.

Get complete control

The Appstle Subscriptions app is so easy to use, Shopify merchants get complete control of the tool. For example, the easy to use admin dashboard makes managing subscriptions and automation settings easy to use. This gives your teams a better control and grip over what you offer to your customers — one more reason why Appstle is considered a better Casa Subscriptions alternative. 


One of the most important elements of providing excellent customer experiences on Shopify stores is automation. With automation, you can send timely and relevant messages, offer discounts and incentives,


As your subscriber count climbs, the workload naturally increases. The silver lining in this scenario is automation, which not only offers a solution but a highly effective one at that.

Enter the Appstle Subscription App — a trusted ally in automating tedious, repetitive, and time-consuming subscriptions related tasks. Picture this: effortless billing, automated invoicing, seamless notifications, delivery updates, and timely renewal reminders, among other perks, all taken care of for you.

But that’s not all – automation brings a wealth of additional benefits to the table. With Appstle’s automation features, you gain full control over every aspect. Imagine being able to effortlessly implement bulk changes to your subscriptions. This not only saves precious time but also ensures consistency and provides a heightened sense of control over your operations. This is one more reason where Appstle wins over Casa, making the former a more preferred alternative to Casa Subscriptions.

Analytics and reporting

In today’s thriving subscriptions landscape, personalization is a must for your brand’s success. And the capabilities necessary for this are none other than analytics and reporting. Your subscription app’s analytics tool should serve as a treasure trove of customer insights, enabling you to understand your audience on a profound level.

The Appstle Subscriptions app truly excels in this department, boasting an exceptional analytics capability that provides precisely the data you need. Imagine having the power to extract vital product data for accurate order forecasting, ensuring you’re always one step ahead.

It’s these game-changing features that firmly establish Appstle as the superior choice when compared to alternative subscriptions apps like Casa Subscriptions.


By far the most important factor when evaluating eCommerce tools is pricing and the costs involved. The pricing structure of your subscriptions app will play a key role in your final profit margins. Opting for an expensive app can potentially result in significant costs. Furthermore, your app should provide the option of offering different types of subscriptions and pricing tailored to meet the needs of different businesses.


Let’s look at the pricing structures of Appstle and Casa to figure out which app is more profitable:


Appstle plans and pricing:

Appstle | Appstle vs Casa Subscriptions

Casa plans and pricing

Appstle | Appstle vs Casa Subscriptions

Both Appstle and Casa offer free plans and free trial periods. However, Appstle offers more plans to choose from, which makes it more suitable for businesses with all kinds of budgets.

Customer support

The quality of service you provide to customers plays an important role in keeping them happy and coming back for more. Besides, when customers feel good about a brand, they spread the word, bringing new customers.


Here’s where Appstle steps up its game — Appstle Subscriptions provides 24/7/365 customer support, expert assistance via dedicated technical teams, and quick resolution. Shopify merchants using Appstle never miss an opportunity to praise its customer support service. Here’s what one merchant said:

Appstle | Appstle vs Casa Subscriptions

New functionality

In the ever-evolving world of digital and eCommerce, where new tools and functionalities emerge almost daily, consumer expectations have soared. They demand the most efficient and latest functions from their favorite subscription brands. This is where Appstle Subscriptions app again takes lead over Casa Subscriptions app.


Appstle not only offers a suite of features to initiate and manage subscription models but also easily integrates new functions. Here are some key functionalities within Appstle:


  • Build-a-box: Enables Shopify stores to tailor subscriptions to customer preference
  • Inventory forecasting: Ensures inventory levels are always optimized to meet demand
  • Custom shipping: Provides flexible shipping options to enhance customer experience
  • Cancellation management: Streamline processes for merchants and customers
  • Automated notifications: Keeps customers informed and engaged
  • Built-in discounts: Intuitively offers discounts and incentives
  • Flexibility in delivery: Pause, change, skip or swap deliveries
  • Auto-billing: Hassle-free billing and payment processing

Given these features and the ability to update or add new functionalities, it’s no wonder that Shopify merchants consistently rate Appstle as one of their preferred subscriptions apps, positioning it as a better alternative to Casa Subscriptions app.

Ready to install Appstle Subscriptions app on your Shopify site?

A growing number of Shopify merchants are opting to transition to Appstle Subscriptions, letting go of apps such as Casa Subscriptions. Are you contemplating installing a subscriptions app for your Shopify business? Or want to upgrade to a better app from your current one? 


If you’re looking for a subscriptions solution that combines efficiency, intuitiveness, user-friendliness, and more, choose Appstle — the best alternative to Casa Subscriptions. 


Install Appstle Subscriptions app on your Shopify store or reach out to our dedicated team to explore how Appstle can benefit your subscriptions business.

As Seen On

“A strong e-commerce presence is more of a necessity today, and Appstle has made it possible by offering sound solutions and functionalities.” 

– USA Today


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