Appstle | Appstle vs Yopto Subscriptions

Appstle Subscriptions

Appstle | Appstle vs Yopto Subscriptions

Yotpo Subscriptions

An Alternative to Yotpo Subscriptions

Why Appstle Subscriptions is better

To set up and run a subscription business smoothly is easier said than done. There are a lot of aspects that have to come together – customer management, billing, invoicing, recurring payments, promotions management, etc. But when it comes together, it can be quite successful given its market size of $120.4 billion in 2022.


If an existing app doesn’t support your growing business needs, you might have to migrate to another app. Are you on the lookout for an alternative to the Yotpo eCommerce subscriptions app? If yes, you’re in luck with Appstle Subscriptions.


And if you’re wondering why you should make a shift to Appstle, we’ll tell you all about it.

Yotpo vs. Appstle – A snapshot


Appstle Subscriptions

Yotpo Subscriptions

Easy migration

Efficient customer support

Flexibility to add new functionalities

Comprehensive features

Customer engagement features

Integrated checkout with Shopify checkout

0% transaction fee

Multiple pricing tiers covering
Enterprises and SMBs

High customer-centric approach

Appstle | Appstle vs Yopto Subscriptions

What is the Yotpo subscriptions app?

Yotpo is an eCommerce subscription management app designed for brands to boost recurring revenue. Yotpo boasts of features such as quick launch, an easy-to-use customer portal, an uninterrupted checkout process, and automated notifications, among other functionalities that help promote repeat subscriptions.

A lot of Shopify merchants use Yotpo. However, the app has its limitations. That’s where Appstle Subscriptions & Loyalty app comes in.

What is Appstle Subscriptions & Loyalty?

One of the best Yotpo alternatives, the Appstle Subscriptions app, enables Shopify stores to offer products and services to customers on a recurring basis. Appstle supports different types of subscription models for Shopify stores.

The app is easy to install and manage, not only for merchants but for the end customers, too. Besides the basic features, the app has unmatched customization abilities, which help improve customer loyalty and increase sales.
With more than 2500 customer reviews & a 5-star rating, Appstle is one of the most preferred apps by merchants. It is designed to simplify the buying experience of customers and offer a smooth subscription journey. Some of the key features of Appstle, that make it the best Yotpo alternative are:
  • Easy set-up of subscriptions
  • Allows different types of subscriptions
  • Helps personalize promotions and upselling
  • Easy management of subscription plans
  • 24x7x365 customer support, guidance, and assistance
  • Easy set-up of multi-tier discounts
  • Custom shipping, dunning, and cancellation management
  • Provides real-time analytics
  • Seamless migration from other subscriptions app to Appstle
  • Auto billing for subscription products
  • Personalized email notifications to customers
  • Highly customizable functionalities

Appstle vs. Yotpo: Why is Appstle subscriptions the best Yotpo alternative?

Appstle doesn’t charge extra/ hidden fees

When it comes to pricing for subscription models, there are three main types:

  1. A flat monthly fee
  2. Transaction fee
  3. Monthly fee + transaction fee

Yotpo is not a flat fee subscriptions app and instead charges 1% of subscription sales. This includes one-time product purchases that shoppers make along with their subscriptions. The transaction fee model adds to the cost of running subscription businesses, as it increases with the growth of your recurring revenue, with no additional effort by the app. It also makes revenue and costs unpredictable and hence, negatively affects the health of the cash flow of the business.

Additionally, a lot of times, the subscription app may charge a service fee to compensate for the admin work required in the complex calculations of 1% transaction fees. This can further add to the cost of the app and reduce profits.

Let’s look at a hypothetical example to understand how transaction fees can considerably increase costs:

For merchants using Yotpo, paying a 1% transaction fee can result in a loss of profits because of the following reasons:


  • A 1% transaction fee can add to the cost of running the subscription business.
  • This cost is unpredictable and can negatively affect the health of the business’s cash flow.
  • A transaction fee is an extra cost that merchants shouldn’t be paying.

Compared to Yotpo, Appstle’s charges are what you see listed for the different plans. There’s no transaction fee. For brands that want to promote repeat subscriptions, an app without extra charges is the best option.

Appstle | Appstle vs Yopto Subscriptions

Appstle has the most efficient support teams

72% of B2B customers say real-time, and always-on customer service is one of the most important factors that boost their loyalty toward a brand.
For B2B SaaS products/services, customer and product support is all about ensuring continuity of operations, by ensuring quick responses, efficient troubleshooting, and super fast solutions whenever a customer faces problems.

Appstle is known for that. Ask any of its 25,000+ (as on Nov ’23) customers. Here are some reviews shared by customers.

Appstle | Appstle vs Yopto Subscriptions
Appstle | Appstle vs Yopto Subscriptions

When compared with Yotpo, Appstle’s support is superior, as we can see from the reviews.


The best part about Appstle’s support is that the brand provides a human-to-human customer support experience which makes it one of the best Shopify subscriptions app. Instead of chatting with an automated bot, you get to explain your issues to an actual human with expertise in different matters.


This results in quick and efficient solutions.


Why Appstle support is superior to Yotpo:

  • Appstle provides a human-to-human experience, instead of an automated bot.
  • As your problems are being solved by humans from the start, the resolution is much faster.
  • Appstle is invested in its customers’ efficiency.
  • Appstle’s support teams take not more than a few minutes to respond.
  • Appstle’s merchant dashboard has a live chat widget to get in touch with the support team.
  • Appstle offers 24/7/365 products and customer support.

Easy to add new features and functionalities

SaaS is a vibrant industry with new innovations introduced almost every day. Apps are upgraded with new functionalities, features, and capabilities on a regular basis. This keeps brands competitive and relevant.


How soon an eCommerce brand upgrades its digital assets and adapts to new changes and functionalities can make or break its performance, as customers are tech savvy and expect the best digital experience from their favorite brands.


Here, Appstle gets more points over Yotpo. Appstle demonstrates the ability to quickly add features to its existing suite of comprehensive functionalities, all with no transaction fee.


What is more, Appstle combines a customer-centric approach with enterprise experience. How? It is quick to add functionalities that enhance the end customer experience but also keeps a focus on merchant experience by making it easy for them to use the app to add features.
That is why Appstle is trusted by thousands of merchants. An increasing number of Shopify merchants using Yotpo who are looking to scale their business are moving to Appstle.
Some of the Appstle subscriptions app’s functionalities that make it the best Yotpo alternative are:
  • Build-a-box
  • Inventory forecasting
  • Custom shipping
  • Cancellation management
  • Email notifications to customers
  • Built-in discounts
  • Pausing, changing, skipping orders by customers
  • Auto-billing for subscriptions

Although the Yotpo app has many features, it could pose limitations to fast-growing Shopify stores, as the app is slow to adopt new functionalities.


A review from an Appstle customer:

Appstle | Appstle vs Yopto Subscriptions

Appstle helps boost customer engagement and CLTV

Just like other forms of business, subscription business, too, depends on customer engagement, and how well you’re able to leverage your existing customer base, alongside acquiring new customers.


95% of customers believe they are more loyal to brands that they trust. To build trust, brands have to engage customers.


Appstle Subscriptions apps have excellent features to boost customer engagement and offer them a smooth subscription experience.


  • Smooth recurring payments experience
  • Customers can self-manage many actions
  • Features that support upselling
  • Multi-tier discounts
  • Custom shipping
  • Dunning and cancellation management
  • Real-time analytics
  • Language and currency customization for customers’ ease
  • Appstle helps simplify customer’s subscriptions experience
  • Loyalty rewards, free trials, and gifts for loyalty

The above features help understand customers better and make their subscriptions experience enjoyable and easier.


Subscriptions by Yotpo offer few customer engagement features compared to Appstle.


Flexibility and customization to enhance the experience

There’s a lot of competition in the eCommerce business. To stay ahead in the market, brands need to stand out from other brands.


One way to offer something unique is to customize your subscription model. From customizing the way your app looks and functions to customization of functionalities, Appstle has powerful capabilities.


  • First, the app allows different types of subscription models from build-a-box to curation-based models.
  • With Appstle’s custom shipping, merchants can create and manage multiple shipping profiles based on weight order value, etc.
  • The app allows highly customizable CSS and functionalities from the dashboard.
  • Merchants can create and manage subscription plans from both the product description pages and the merchant portal
  • Custom subscription widgets, shipping profiles, email domains, and pricing, among other features.

A real-time subscriptions performance tracker

The best part about online and app-based business models such as subscriptions is that you can collect real-time data and use that information to take necessary actions.


For example, if you receive information about a customer initiating a subscription cancellation, you can reach out to them to know the reason and take the necessary actions to help them change their decision. For example, you can offer a discounted price to encourage them to stay.


Merchants who want to utilize the power of real-time trackers should opt for Appstle Subscriptions and Loyalty.


  • The app enables you to track the overall performance of your subscriptions in real-time.
  • With that data, you can figure out what’s working for your business model and what isn’t, before it’s too late.
  • You can then take the necessary actions for better results.
  • Appstle sends an automatically triggered questionnaire to understand the reasons and retrieve customers who cancel subscriptions.
  • You can track detailed reports of revenue patterns and boost marketing activities to improve revenue during slow periods.

Appstle offers pricing models suitable to different merchants

Apps and subscription tools are a big digital investment. E-commerce brands looking to scale and grow fast have to invest in digital tools that are affordable and offer value for money.


This is where Appstle wins over Yotpo.


To begin with, let’s look at the pricing plans of Appstle and Yotpo.

Appstle | Appstle vs Yopto Subscriptions

Yotpo pricing:

Appstle | Appstle vs Yopto Subscriptions

Appstle offers five different plans and pricing. Merchants can choose a solution that is within their budget and suitable to their business size and needs.

Starting from a free plan to one that merchants can customize to their Shopify business needs – Appstle’s five pricing options make it easy for merchants to make decisions.

Most often, when businesses start with new tools and technology, they prefer a free trial period to get a sense of the tool. With Appstle, a 14-day free trial is possible.

Seamless migration from other apps to Appstle

The subscription business industry is growing by leaps and bounds. The number of businesses offering subscriptions is multiplying every day. To stay ahead of the competition, brands need an efficient app for their business operations.

Brands looking to scale may need to migrate to more efficient tools from their current tools.

And when a business transitions from one app to the other, it has to be a smooth and quick process because the business flow should not get halted for too long.

This is another Appstle capability that makes it a more favorable app than the Yotpo subscriptions app. Appstle’s dedicated migration teams ensure a smooth transition. Throughout the process, its support team is available 24×7 to provide hand-holding support to merchants.

Appstle easily integrates with other apps required for marketing, help desk, page building, automation, etc.

Here are some of Appstle’s integration-friendly features:

  • 24x7x365 support to merchants for a smooth integration process.
  • Easy integration with third-party apps.
  • The app makes it easy to expand features on your store.
  • Integrates with Bundle, Gorgias, Growave, Langify, Klaviyo, and PageFly, among other apps.
  • Here’s Appstle’s full integration list.
  • Seamless migration from V1 and V2 apps. Supports 2.0 themes.

New to the eCommerce subscription model? Download our free eCommerce subscription e-book here.

Ready to set up and migrate to Appstle Subscriptions?

A large number of Appstle customers are merchants who are migrating from other subscription platforms. With our hands-on experience and expertise, we’ve undertaken many migrations from Yotpo to Appstle. Not only that, Appstle has quickly become one of the top Shopify Subscription apps. The flat fee subscriptions app also charges no transaction fee, so you can be assured while using it. You can get both subscription as well as memberships and loyalty program at Appstle!

If you’re looking for an efficient alternative solution for Shopify subscriptions, reach out to us. Conversely, you could easily install Appstle and contact our support team.

As Seen On

“A strong e-commerce presence is more of a necessity today, and Appstle has made it possible by offering sound solutions and functionalities.” 

– USA Today


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