Appstle | Appstle vs AAA Commerce Memberships

Appstle Membership

Appstle | Appstle vs AAA Commerce Memberships

AAA Membership

An Alternative To AAA Commerce Memberships

Why Appstle Memberships & Loyalty is better

The membership business model is the newest big thing for e-commerce stores. Every brand across industries seems to be making it a part of its business strategy. But few are able to succeed.


That’s because keeping e-commerce memberships running smoothly and successfully requires the best Shopify membership app.

If you are looking to set up a membership business model on your Shopify store with the best digital capabilities—-meet Appstle Membership and Loyalty app.


Conversely, if you already have a membership business setup and are looking for alternatives to your current app, Appstle is your best option.


For example, a number of merchants are looking for alternatives to AAA Commerce membership app and considering Appstle.

That’s because Appstle membership app ranks No. 1 in the memberships category in Shopify and Shopify Plus.


So let’s dig deep into what makes Appstle Memberships and Loyalty app a better choice.

AAA vs. Appstle – A snapshot


Appstle Memberships

AAA Memberships

Comprehensive features

Easy-to-use functionalities

Efficient customer support

Effective onboarding and
easy migrations

Seamless app integrations

Advanced discounting and perks

Customized perks for different plans

High customer-centric approach

0% transaction or per member fee

Multiple pricing tiers covering
Enterprises and SMBs

What is a membership business model?

A membership business model is a system where customers join a membership plan to avail of perks. Membership plans can be free or paid.


For brands, it’s a way to provide special status to customers, offer them perks, and increase customer loyalty and customer lifetime value (CLV).


The most common types of perks offered by eCommerce brands towards memberships are:

  • Gift vouchers
  • Special discounts
  • Priority access to new collections
  • Exclusive sneak peek and previews
  • Members-only savings
  • Birthday surprises
  • A members community

To learn more about the eCommerce membership model and its benefits, download our free guide.

What is the AAACommerce Membership app?

AAACommerce membership is an app for eCommerce stores to set up and easily manage different types of membership plans.

Some of the features offered by the app are:


  • Set up multiple membership plans
  • Automated member renewals
  • Automated reminders and invoices
  • Custom access to content
  • Automated member tagging

What is the Appstle Memberships and Loyalty app?

Appstle Memberships and Loyalty app is a comprehensive solution for Shopify stores with membership business models. Some of the app’s features are:


  • Create customized membership plans
  • Set up multiple membership perks
  • Automate billing
  • Easy to access and integrate into your Shopify store
  • Easy migration from other apps (V1 and V2), supports 2.0 themes
  • Integrates with other apps such as subscriptions, loyalty, and discounted pricing
  • Compliant with GDPR, PIPEDA, and data privacy regulations
  • Offers customized pricing
  • 24×7 support from dedicated engineers via chat or Zoom

Learn more about the Appstle Shopify memberships app here

Appstle VS AAACommerce — which is the best membership app for Shopify?

Appstle provides comprehensive features

Unlike AAACommerce, Appstle Memberships and Loyalty provides complete features required for the easy functioning of membership businesses.


Here are some of the features that make Appstle a better alternative to AAA Commerce memberships

  • Appstle provides unlimited email engagements to merchants to boost trust, confidence, and loyalty
  • Seamless third-party app integrations. In comparison, AAACommerce does not have extensive third party integrations. For example, it doesn’t integrate with Omnisend, Klaviyo, and MailChimp—three important solutions used by most eCommerce businesses
  • Appstle uses Shopify checkout, which makes transactions more secure, whereas AAA Commerce does not. This is one of the critical factors that makes Appstle the best Shopify membership app
  • Appstle sends merchant and admin notifications as soon as there are transactions and activities on their membership portal. This is one aspect where AAACommerce loses points over Appstle. It does not send notifications to merchants and admins

Appstle’s provides customer support 24/7/365

When customers have hassle-free customer service interactions, they are 94% more likely to repurchase from that brand. Moreover, they are 88% likely to spend more.

And when it comes to B2B products and services, customer support is even more critical because the customer isn’t an individual but a business with many customers. 


And there’s no other membership app that can top Appstle at customer service. 


Appstle provides 24/7/365 customer service. This means its customers’ issues are addressed within a few minutes. 


Compared to Appstle, AAA Commerce membership does not offer 24/7 customer service. Its customers have to wait for hours or even days before they can get their problems addressed.


Here’s what an Appstle customer said:

Appstle | Appstle vs AAA Commerce Memberships

Appstle offers seamless integrations 

There’s a lot going on in eCommerce stores, both at the front end and the back end. For so many functions to run efficiently, stores require to integrate different tools and solutions on their Shopify store.


Apostle Memberships and Loyalty app allows deep and seamless integrations, such as checkout, payment gateway authorization, integrations with third-party Shopify apps, etc.


For example, Appstle memberships app integrates with Affiliater, Growave, Discounted Pricing, Loyalty Lion, PageFly, Klaviyo, Yotpo, and Zapier, among others. 


In addition, Appstle provides customized integrations, meaning if there’s a specific app that your Shopify store would like on your memberships business, Appstle’s technical team will go out of its way to make the integration happen.

Appstle has easy-to-use functions

Ecommerce stores may not have in-house technical experts, so they need to install apps that can handle all the technical processes. Besides that, they need apps that are easy to use for their different teams.


That’s where Appstle wins over AAACommerce yet another time. Not only does Appstle offer efficient and fast customer support, but the app is also designed with the ease of merchants at the heart of it—so that customers’ processes don’t slow down.


Here are Appstle’s unique features that make the app functions a breeze for merchants:

  • Create and manage unlimited membership plans
  • Manage various membership perks
  • Efficient dunning and cancellation management to reduce churn
  • Customizable member portal
  • Real-time management of membership functions
  • Hands-on 24/7/365 customer support

Appstle offers membership plans at competitive pricing

There are many membership apps available in the market. And one of the most critical factors that impact purchase decisions is price.

Appstle makes purchase decisions easy for customers the instant they compare it with other membership apps.

For example, when compared with AAA Commerce membership app price, Appstle is an instant choice for customers.

Here’s a look at the pricing of both the apps:

Appstle Memberships and Loyalty app

Appstle | Appstle vs AAA Commerce Memberships

AAACommerce membership app

Appstle | Appstle vs AAA Commerce Memberships


Here are some reasons why merchants pick Appstle for its pricing, making it the best membership apps for Shopify:



  • Appstle offers different pricing plans
  • It offers a free plan
  • 14-day free trial for all plans
  • All of Appstle’s plans come at zero transaction fee
  • The custom plan can be customized as per business needs
  • Many plans, which makes it easy for brands on different budgets to choose plans

Efficient automation for business growth

Human expertise, good customer support, and easy functions are all important. But there’s one more factor critical for efficiently running a Shopify store—automation. 


Even if you’re a small business with a limited number of customers, it’s practically impossible to manually keep track of all your members’ actions. 


Moreover, with automation, businesses can grow and scale easily without any disturbances. As your business scales, your app should be able to manage the workload with the help of automation.


That’s where Appstle’s automation features come in:

  • Real-time, automated customer tagging
  • Automated member perks
  • Automated notifications to members and merchants
  • Automated dunning and cancellation management 
  • Automated product/perk swaps
  • Product swap and quantity updates to members

In comparison, many automation features are missing from the AAA Commerce membership app. For example, the app does not support transaction failure notifications. This can impact customer experience adversely.

Appstle helps boost revenue and profits

There are many reasons why Appstle is considered to be one of the best Shopify membership apps. Still, one reason is particularly worth mentioning—its capabilities to help Shopify stores meet their business goals.


A good membership app should help you manage your repetitive and mundane tasks and have features that help you reach your business goals, such as higher revenue and profits.


Here are Appstle’s revenue and profit boost-up features:

  • Dunning management to reduce churn
  • Cancellation management to revive cancellations
  • Pre-cancellation discount for customer retention
  • Custom development with custom pricing
  • Bulk automations for higher efficiency
  • Activity logs and timelines
  • Quick action settings to control churn
  • Advanced analytics for in-depth customer insight

Appstle enables multiple membership perks

With so many membership businesses across industries, it’s easy for customers to choose the good ones—those that offer the best perks. 

If members/customers don’t find value in the perks you offer, they’re not going to continue with the membership.

Moreover, it’s human to get bored of the same benefits/perks over a period of time. And that’s why businesses need to keep changing perks. Flexibility and personalization in offering perks can significantly impact customer retention.

And that’s why it’s important to talk about the different types of perks enabled by Appstle Memberships and Loyalty app.

Appstle offers two types of perks: exclusive access and discounts. For example, members are given exclusive access to a product, blog, and collections page. However, non-members aren’t given access to these pages.

Apart from that, members can enjoy different types of discounts such as percentage discounts, fixed amount discounts, free shipping, and more. These different types of discounts keep members engaged and returning to your store. All these factors make Appstle the best Shopify membership app.

What is more, you can offer targeted and continuously updated perks with the help of the app’s in-depth performance analytics capabilities. 

Are you ready to migrate to Appstle memberships?

Are you still wondering if you should sign up for Appstle memberships? To put things into perspective, a large number of Appstle merchants are those who’ve migrated to Appstle after using membership apps with poor capabilities. 


Whether you’re looking to set up a new membership business or for an alternative membership app, explore Appstle Membership and Loyalty app for your Shopify store.


Conversely,install the app and reach out to us for assistance.

As Seen On

“A strong e-commerce presence is more of a necessity today, and Appstle has made it possible by offering sound solutions and functionalities.” 

– USA Today


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