Appstle | Appstle Loyalty vs Joy Loyalty Rewards

Appstle Loyalty

Appstle | Appstle Loyalty vs Joy Loyalty Rewards

Joy Loyalty & Rewards

An Alternative To Joy Loyalty & Rewards App

Why Appstle Loyalty & Rewards Is Better

The eCommerce loyalty program market is more vibrant than ever before. Customers’ preference has grown for it. And retailers are meeting customer needs via digital capabilities through apps and tools.


Loyalty program models require a lot of elements to function in sync — from catalog to billing to bundling to loyalty program and more. And that is why, it’s extremely important to have a loyalty app that offers a smooth digital experience to both retailers and customers.


There are many loyalty and rewards apps for Shopify stores, but some, such as Appstle Loyalty & Rewards stand out from the others.


Now let’s look at why Appstle app is a better alternative to Joy Loyalty & Rewards.

Joy vs Appstle – A snapshot


Appstle Loyalty & Rewards


Variety of earning/reward rules

Automation features

Efficient customer support

Different types of loyalty programs

Competitive pricing

Dedicated loyalty page

Comprehensive features

Security & Stability


Easy migration

API & documentation

Flexibility of discount code usage

What is Joy Loyalty & Rewards App?

Joy Loyalty & Rewards App is a loyalty program tool for Shopify stores. It supports loyalty programs, rewards for signups, orders, reviews, social follows, etc. It enables automation and built-in emails, supports POS and language customization, besides providing other features. The app also ensures your store’s loading speed does not slow down. The app has a free and paid plan option.

What is Appstle Loyalty & Rewards App?

Appstle is the No. 1 app for Shopify stores. With more than 15000 Shopify and Shopify Plus merchants onboard, Appstle provides the best loyalty capabilities and features. Some of the notable features of Appstle are:


  • High customization capability
  • Flexible billion options
  • Seamless integration with third-party apps
  • Different types of loyalty programs
  • 24/7 customer support to merchants
  • Growth-focused analytics
  • Business growth tools
  • Quick checkout features
  • Instant bundling to enhance customer experience
  • Customizable customer portal
  • Automation capabilities
  • Dunning management

Joy vs. Appstle: Why Appstle is the best Joy Loyalty & Rewards Program app?

Appstle provides many types of loyalty programs

There are many different types of loyalty programs — points program, tiered, gamified, spend-based, value-based, paid programs, among others. Shopify retailers often choose loyalty program types based on their products/services, industry, and customer preference. 


But to be able to choose and set up your preferred type of loyalty and rewards program, you need to have an app that makes it easy for you to choose from multiple types of programs. If your app is limited, you won’t be able to select. You’ll have to do with the few options you have. And that will affect the success of your loyalty program.


This is one area where Appstle Loyalty & Rewards app can be a game-changer for your Shopify store. It offers different types of loyalty programs to choose from, compared to the Joy app, which makes it a favored alternative to the Joy Loyalty & Rewards app.

Joy vs Appstle: Pricing

The pricing of your loyalty program tool plays an important role. An expensive tool can add to the cost of your program; thus, reducing profits. 


Let’s take a comparative look at the pricing of Appstle Loyalty and Joy Loyalty.


  • Appstle Loyalty & Rewards app is currently free. In comparison, Joy Loyalty & Rewards has two options – free and a paid plan.
  • Joy Loyalty & Rewards free plan offers a limited number of orders per month – 250, points when customers sign up and place orders, integration, and custom email content. Its paid plan is $25 per month and offers unlimited orders.
  • Appstle’s free plan offers multiple types of programs to choose from, gamification capabilities, analytics, 24x7x365 customer support, among others.
  • Appstle may or may not have a paid plan in future. But even if it has a paid plan, it would be much cheaper than Joy.

Appstle provides the best customer support

For eCommerce merchants, it’s extremely important to keep the loyalty program platform up and running at all times, because customers may be on the app at any time, trying to transact. But at times, there might be technical snags that could disrupt business. 

At such times, retailers need the assistance of the tech team and customer support team of the apps they use. This is where Appstle earns 100% points. Appstle offers 24/7/365 efficient support from experienced and knowledgeable merchant success engineers. This makes Appstle a much better alternative to Joy Loyalty & Rewards app.

Dedicated loyalty page

Another reason why Shopify merchants consider Appstle a better alternative to Joy Loyalty & Rewards Program app is the ease the former app offers in managing the program, all from one dedicated loyalty page. 


Appstle Loyalty & Rewards app offers merchants two options to allow the end customer to manage their loyalty program — from the storefront widget and from a dedicated loyalty page. Customers can use both these options or any one, as they prefer. 


And here’s where Joy Loyalty & Rewards loses as the app offers only one way for the end customer to manage their loyalty programs — via the storefront widget. Customer comfort and ease of use is most important in today’s competitive eCommerce loyalty programs market. Sadly, Joy cannot compete with Appstle in this regard.

Appstle vs. Joy: Security and stability features

With millions of apps in the world, the risk of security threats have been on the rise. Business apps are three times more vulnerable to threats. Fraud and phishing are among the biggest threats to eCommerce businesses. And hence, it’s important for eCommerce applications to have the ability to defend from threats and keep customers’ data safe at all times. 


But with Appstle Loyalty & Rewards app, Shopify merchants need not worry about security. Appstle app is built to securely scale as the volume of your business transactions increases. The app is designed with robust security features that keep customers’ data safe. This is one more reason why merchants choose Appstle as an alternative to Joy Loyalty & Rewards app.

Appstle makes migration seamless

The loyalty programs space is vibrant — advanced features, exciting perks and benefits, and gamification — there’s a lot happening in loyalty programs these days. Customers expect their favorite eCommerce brands to provide the best loyalty experiences. And eCommerce stores try to keep up with trends and expectations.


But it’s easier said than done. One aspect that can cause disruption to your business flow is when you want to migrate from your current tool to a new tool. Appstle promises white glove migration support.


Appstle’s dedicated migration expert engineers ensure the process is seamless, fast, and doesn’t cause the business to stop. If you’re migrating from any other loyalty app to Appstle Loyalty & Rewards, it’s going to be a breeze. This is a factor where Appstle wins over Joy app. Merchants using Joy often seem to be disappointed with the lack of assistance and support required when migrating from other apps. No wonder then that Shopify merchants find Appstle to be a better alternative to Joy Loyalty & Rewards Program app.

Appstle APIs are favorable

APIs are the foundation for today’s digital products and experiences. They facilitate application development and are an essential component of today’s distributed application architecture. 


Appstle’s open API documentation makes the app more functional for Shopify stores. This improves the app’s agility and gives secure access to data and services to other apps for better functionality of your app. 


In comparison, Joy Loyalty & Rewards app does not have open APIs, which limits the app’s functionality for Shopify merchants.

Appstle offers better discount code usage

Discount is the biggest crowd puller for eCommerce. Most brands offer discounts on one-time purchases as well as in subscription plans. But for customers to be able to avail discounts in both the above types of transactions, the discount codes have to support the two types.


Appstle discount codes support one-time purchases as well as loyalty programs, points program related transactions. Hence, merchants using Appstle can offer more to their customers. 

However, this feature is lacking in Joy Loyalty & Rewards Program app. The app only allows discount code usage for one-time customers. This means, loyal customers may not be able to avail discounts. This is why Shopify and Shopify Plus merchants prefer Appstle as an alternative to Joy Loyalty & Rewards Program app.

Appstle offers comprehensive and highly customizable features

In today’s eCommerce environment, customization is highly necessary. Customers want brands to be unique as it makes them feel exclusive. These are areas that make Appstle Loyalty & Rewards a better app than Joy.


Appstle’s functionalities are comprehensive and customizable. The features are user-friendly 

including effective reward program development and management tools, innovative and frictionless loyalty incentives, churn control, and more. 


Appstle also allows high personalization, which helps increase brand value. Besides, Appstle’s eveready customer support team helps merchants with customizing the features. This is yet another area where Joy Loyalty & Rewards app may get left behind by Appstle.

Get started with Appstle Loyalty & Rewards app on your Shopify store

Many Shopify and Shopify Plus merchants are migrating to Appstle as they find it to be a better alternative to Joy Loyalty & Rewards App. And that’s for good reason. If you’re looking for more reasons to set up or migrate to Appstle for your Shopify loyalty program, get in touch with our team at Appstle.


Install Appstle Loyalty & Rewards App on your Shopify store.

As Seen On

“A strong e-commerce presence is more of a necessity today, and Appstle has made it possible by offering sound solutions and functionalities.” 

– USA Today


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