Appstle | Appstle Memberships vs Subify Comparison

Appstle Memberships

Appstle | Appstle Memberships vs Subify Comparison

Subify Memberships

Appstle Memberships vs Subify Memberships: A Comparison

Why Appstle Memberships is better than Subify Memberships

Online consumers look for convenience, personalized experiences, and ease of shopping. eCommerce retailers try to cater to these consumer needs via different business models.


One of the business models gaining popularity is memberships


However, merely creating a unique membership model is not enough. Retailers need efficient apps and tools to run membership plans smoothly. 


In this comparative piece, we take an in-depth look at Appstle Memberships App vs Subify Memberships comparison and tell you why Appstle is a better alternative

Appstle Memberships vs Subify – A snapshot

In this table, we look at the salient features of Appstle memberships app and compare them against the pros and cons of Subify. In short, Appstle scores far better than Subify when it comes to capabilities required for an efficient membership app.


Appstle Memberships

Subify Memberships

Comprehensive features

Easy to use

Efficient customer support

Effective onboarding
and easy migrations

Seamless app integrations

Advanced discounting and perks

Customized perks for
different plans

High customer-centric approach

0% transaction or per member fee

Multiple pricing tiers covering
Enterprises and SMBs

What is the Subify Memberships app?

Subify Memberships is an app for Shopify brands membership programs. The app supports recurring billing models for products and services of Shopify stores. Subify memberships app offers a range of customizable widget templates seamlessly integrated into eCommerce stores. The app boasts a quick setup with an auto-adding widget feature for direct use within the Shopify admin. The platform provides a user-friendly customer portal allowing members to effortlessly manage their memberships, among other features.

What is the Appstle Memberships app?

Appstle Memberships App is an end-to-end membership tool that offers a comprehensive set of features—from multiple types of plans to billing to automated discounts, and more. The app is easy to install and set up. The automation capabilities of the app make managing memberships programs a breeze for eCommerce retailers. 


Here are some of the salient features of Appstle Memberships


  • Intuitive features to manage memberships with ease
  • Automated billing
  • Customized member portal
  • Easy-to-use membership functionalities
  • Unlimited membership plans and tiers
  • Unlimited and highly customized member perks including discounted pricing for members
  • Customer and order tagging for segmentation
  • High end customer-centric approach
  • Customizable member portal
  • Member billing with billing options
  • In-depth analytics
  • Voluntary and in-voluntary member churn control 
  • High security and stability
  • Dedicated infrastructure for large enterprise clients
  • Hands on onboarding and complimentary migration from other memberships apps
  • Efficient 24x7x365 customer support
  • Seamless app integrations with Shopify and Shopify Plus apps

Appstle Memberships vs Subify Memberships comparison

To ensure you pick the most efficient membership app for your Shopify or Shopify Plus business, you must make an informed decision. In this section, we compare the two apps for various parameters.

1. Appstle vs Subify pricing plans

Pricing is a key factor in the decision-making process when eCommerce retailers look for tools. Let’s see Appstle Memberships vs Subify comparison in terms of pricing. 

Wondering if Appstle or Subify is better for small businesses? Appstle’s pricing plans make it a better option for different types of businesses, compared to Subify. For example, small businesses with lesser number of customers can choose a lower denominator plan from Appstle. Subify does not offer pricing plans to cater to different sizes of enterprise or small businesses.

Pricing also plays a key part in the scalability factor. Comparing the scalability of Appstle and Subify, businesses in the growth stage can easily upgrade from one pricing plan to the other that would allow them to easily scale as their business grows.


Appstle offers five types of pricing plans

  1. Free plan 
  2. $19 per month
  3. $39 per month
  4. $79 per month
  5. Custom plan

Appstle charges no transaction fee or per member fee. In comparison, Subify does not offer this feature. Moreover, all of Appstle Memberships offer free trial period.

Here’s a screenshot of Appstle Memberships pricing plans:

Appstle | Appstle Memberships vs Subify Comparison

Here are some user reviews for Appstle Memberships:

Appstle | Appstle Memberships vs Subify Comparison

2. Ease of integrating third-party apps

Ecommerce stores operate with diverse functionalities both on the front end and back end, necessitating seamless integration of various functions within the Shopify store for optimal performance.


Appstle Memberships integration options stand out as the best Shopify memberships solution due to its capability to facilitate deep and flawless integrations.


Appstle memberships integration options include aspects such as checkout processes, payment gateway authorizations, and compatibility with third-party Shopify apps. Notably, Appstle seamlessly integrates with prominent platforms including Affiliater, Growave, Discounted Pricing, Loyalty Lion, PageFly, Klaviyo, Yotpo, and Zapier, among others.


Moreover, Appstle goes the extra mile by offering customized integrations, ensuring that specific apps desired for the Shopify memberships business can be seamlessly incorporated with the dedicated assistance of Appstle’s technical team.


Looking at Appstle Memberships vs Subify comparison, Appstle takes the lead with its easy and seamless integration capabilities.


Here’s a user review for Appstle Memberships app:

Appstle | Appstle Memberships vs Subify Comparison

3. Security features

Ensuring the security and privacy of customer data is critical in the eCommerce space. Therefore, when selecting an app for your Shopify store, it is crucial to prioritize the tools’ security features.


Appstle Memberships security features enable Shopify and Shopify Plus stores to effortlessly gather first-party data in a secure manner. With the ability to swiftly generate custom forms, retailers can gain valuable insights into their customers’ profiles within minutes.


The seamless integration of these forms into your membership page eliminates security concerns. Utilizing the collected data, you can create customer segments for more targeted and personalized marketing campaigns.

4. Customization capabilities

Imagine you’re trying to establish a distinctive membership model that sets your brand apart in a crowded market. In the eCommerce membership space, standing out is no easy feat due to the intense market competition.


Appstle Memberships App, however, provides a solution with its unique customization features. This enables brands to create unique membership models tailored to customer preferences.


Moreover, Appstle’s dashboard enhances customer experience with highly adaptable functionalities. For instance, the app facilitates custom shipping options, allowing merchants to create and oversee multiple shipping profiles based on factors like weight and order value. Additionally, Appstle offers extensive customization through CSS and other functionalities directly from the dashboard.


Compared to Appstle, the customization options in Subify are limited, restricting brands’ from offering unique membership experiences.

5. Efficient customer support

One of reasons Shopify and Shopify Plus merchants highlight about Appstle Memberships is its highly-efficient customer support. Appstle’s support team consists of trained experts that provide technical support within a matter of minutes. In addition, the customer support team provides quick administrative support and hand-holding when required. Compared to Subify, Appstle definitely wins in the customer support area.


Here are some factors that make Appstle’s customer support the best:


  • 24/7/365 support
  • Technical experts in the support team
  • Quick response and resolution of issues
  • Easy ways to contact through customer dashboard and chat options

Here’s a user review for Appstle Memberships:

Appstle | Appstle Memberships vs Subify Comparison

6. User experience

Another aspect that we must consider is the user experience of Appstle vs Subify. The user experience of membership apps plays a key role in shaping the success of online businesses.


For instance, a seamless and intuitive user interface ensures that customers can easily navigate through the membership features, creating a positive interaction with the brand. A well-designed membership app enhances customer satisfaction by simplifying membership processes.


A positive user experience not only boosts customer loyalty but also encourages recurring engagements, leading to increased customer retention and lifetime value. As customers increasingly prioritize convenience and simplicity, an eCommerce membership app that prioritizes user experience becomes a valuable asset in establishing a competitive edge and building a strong and loyal customer base. This is another aspect where Appstle Memberships App takes over Subify Membership app.

7. Easy-to-use functionalities

Efficient operation of eCommerce membership models depends on the seamless functioning of numerous critical processes. From member sign-ups to membership fee transactions, cancellations, and customer notifications, there’s a complex interplay of functions occurring behind the scenes. Any glitch could significantly impact the customer experience.


Appstle Membership App features address these challenges. Recognizing that complex tools can negatively impact processes and disrupt members’ shopping experience, Appstle emphasizes the importance of a membership app that enables flexible management and is user-friendly for diverse teams.


Appstle stands out with unique features, including the ability to create and manage unlimited membership plans, oversee various membership perks, efficient dunning and cancellation management for churn reduction, a customizable member portal, real-time management of membership functions, and hands-on 24/7/365 customer support. Aspects that Subify memberships may not be able to cover.

8. Efficient automation and management of member perks

A key factor to consider when running Appstle Memberships vs Subify comparison is the features around perks and benefits. You shouldn’t feel bogged down by repetitive tasks related to offering perks and benefits.


The integration of an efficient membership app, such as Appstle, proves helpful  in achieving this balance. Appstle distinguishes itself by placing the customer at the heart of its capabilities right from the outset.


Appstle offers advanced features for discounting and perks that set it apart from competitors like the Subify Memberships app.


The key features of Appstle Memberships App include:

  • The ability to add, remove, update, or change membership plans
  • Adjust membership perks
  • Provide personalized member benefits
  • Enable auto-billing, offer pricing discount perks
  • Access and manage membership contracts directly from the dashboard
  • Customize widgets to align with the Shopify store theme
  • Grant customers control over their memberships

Appstle Memberships vs Subify comparison conclusion

Whether you’re integrating a new membership business model into your Shopify or Shopify Plus store or want to migrate from your existing membership app to a better alternative, as per thousands of merchants, Appstle Memberships app seems to get all the votes.


The advanced and comprehensive features of Appstle Memberships App prove to be more beneficial and helpful to merchants in running their membership business smoothly.


To explore how Appstle Memberships app can help your relevant business case, reach out to the team at Appstle. Or, get started by installing the free trial.


Install Appstle Memberships App for Shopify.

As Seen On

“A strong e-commerce presence is more of a necessity today, and Appstle has made it possible by offering sound solutions and functionalities.” 

– USA Today


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