Appstle | Appstle VS Conjured Memberships

Appstle Membership

Appstle | Appstle VS Conjured Memberships

Conjured Membership

An Alternative To Conjured Memberships

Why Appstle Memberships & Loyalty is better

Membership business models are picking up like wildfire in the eCommerce industry. But to ensure its smooth functioning and success, businesses require the best Shopify membership app on the store.

If you’re looking for an app to set up your membership business or want to migrate to a more efficient app from your current app, you’re in luck with Appstle Memberships and Loyalty app.

Let’s explore why Appstle is the best membership app for Shopify stores.

Conjured vs. Appstle – A snapshot


Appstle Memberships

Conjured Memberships

Comprehensive features

Easy-to-use functionalities

Efficient customer support

Effective onboarding and
easy migrations

Seamless app integrations

Advanced discounting and perks

Customized perks for different plans

High customer-centric approach

0% transaction or per member fee

Multiple pricing tiers covering
Enterprises and SMBs

What is a membership business model?

Membership business models provide customers with a special status as members and offer them perks that regular customers don’t get. Memberships can have a fee or be free.


Some of the most popular membership examples are Amazon Prime and Netflix. Both charge a membership fee and provide exclusive access and special perks to members.


Membership perks include:

  • Gift vouchers
  • Special discounts
  • Priority access to new collections
  • Exclusive sneak peek and previews
  • Members-only savings
  • Birthday surprises
  • A members community

What is the Conjured Membership app?

Conjured is a membership app designed to help eCommerce brands set up membership plans and increase customer loyalty and recurring revenue. 


The app provides features such as: 

  • Different types of perks: free shipping, exclusive content libraries, discounts, etc.
  • Integration with apps such as MailChimp, Klaviyo, Sendgrid, etc.
  • Customization capabilities
  • 30-day free trial period
  • Four types of membership plans
  • A free plan

What is the Appstle Memberships and Loyalty app?

Appstle Memberships and Loyalty app is an end-to-end solution to set up and manage membership business models on your Shopify store. Appstle Memberships and Loyalty app ranks No. 1 in the membership apps category for Shopify and Shopify Plus.


Here are the other compelling features of the app:


  • Create customized membership plans
  • Multiple membership perks
  • Automated billing
  • Notifications and performance analytics
  • Easy to access and integrate into your Shopify store
  • Easy migration from other apps (V1 and V2), supports 2.0 themes
  • Integrates with other apps such as subscriptions, loyalty, and discounted pricing
  • Compliant with GDPR, PIPEDA, and data privacy regulations
  • Offers customized pricing
  • 24×7 support from dedicated engineers via chat or Zoom

Appstle VS Conjured — which is the best membership app for Shopify?

Appstle offers comprehensive features

There’s a lot of competition in the eCommerce space. So businesses have to keep up with trends, customer expectations and competition. And for that, they need the best tech capabilities. Besides, they must constantly upgrade their abilities to support the increasing workflow.


This is where Appstle’s comprehensive features come in. Appstle Memberships and Loyalty is one app that provides extensive features, so Shopify businesses don’t require installing different apps for different processes.


Here are some of Appstle’s features:

  • Provides targeted and innovative membership plans to suit customer needs
  • Provides recurring and automatic billing that is integrated with Shopify 
  • Enables smart tagging of orders and members across tiers
  • Allows customized and tiered membership perks to engage customers better
  • Higher plans can have individual features as add-ons
  • Offers a plan for enterprises that can be customized

In comparison, Conjured Membership lags. The app does not offer many features required for eCommerce businesses at the growth and scale stage.

Appstle offers multiple types of membership plans

eCommerce stores have different types of customers, so a more than one-size-fits-all approach is needed when setting up membership plans. For example, each customer segment would need different plans based on their budget, requirements, business size, etc.


This is a critical factor that Appstle addresses by offering a range of membership plans. This is also a factor for which Appstle wins over Conjured Membership. Moreover, Appstle provides five types of plans, the latter offer just four types of plans.


Let’s take a comparative look at Appstle and Conjured membership plans for merchants:

Appstle Memberships

Conjured Membership



0% transaction fee





0% transaction fee



+2.9% of all membership transactions
(minimum $0.10 per transaction)



0% transaction fee



+1.9% of all membership transactions
(minimum $0.10 per transaction)



0% transaction fee

Plus Unlimited


+0.9% of all membership transactions
(minimum $0.10 per transaction)

Enterprise Plus

Custom pricing

0% transaction fee

Appstle offers competitive pricing

Competitive pricing is one of the biggest reasons Appstle is a better alternative to Conjured membership. Here are the key points of Appstle’s pricing:


  • Free 15-day trial
  • A free plan
  • 0% transaction fees
  • Different prices to match budgets

Appstle’s 0% transaction fee is a commendable factor because even though its plan price may be slightly higher than other apps, a fee on every transaction can add up to a considerable amount for Shopify stores. Even a 1% transaction fee can add up to a significant amount, which Shopify merchants have to pay to the app on a regular basis. That can quickly eat into their profits. Besides, Conjured Membership offers API access only on its paid plans.


Here’s a look at the pricing of Appstle and Conjured:

Appstle Memberships and Loyalty app

Appstle | Appstle VS Conjured Memberships

AAACommerce membership app

Appstle | Appstle VS Conjured Memberships

Appstle enables various membership perks

eCommerce stores’ end-customers would join membership plans for the perks. However, if customers don’t find value in the perks, they wouldn’t continue with the membership. Therefore, businesses must ensure that they offer valuable perks.


Appstle offers two types of perks—exclusive membership access and discounts. Here are some of the perks provided by Appstle:


  • Exclusive access to specific product pages
  • Exclusive access to specific blog pages
  • Exclusive access to specific collection pages
  • Free shipping
  • Percentage discount
  • Fixed amount discount
  • Gifts on sign-up

Appstle offers 24/7/365 customer support

Another reason Appstle is a better Conjured Membership alternative is the quality of customer support. eCommerce stores have to function smoothly 24/7, no matter the time of the day. And if there’s a technical problem or some feature stops working on the site, it must be solved within a matter of minutes. Otherwise, it can cost a lot to the business.


And that’s where the customer support capabilities of your membership tool provider come in. Customers expect quick and efficient support, no matter the problem. And if there’s one common factor that Appstle Memberships and Loyalty app customers rave about, it’s customer support.


Here are the highlights:

  • Provides 24/7/365 guidance and assistance to customers
  • Dedicated and knowledgeable product and customer support teams
  • Hand-holding through various processes, where required
  • Interaction with human customer support agents, not automated bots
  • Easy to contact through a live chat widget on the merchant’s dashboard
Here’s what an Appstle customer said about its customer support:
Appstle | Appstle VS Conjured Memberships

In comparison, Conjured falls short in providing efficient customer support. This is one of the many factors that make Appstle a better alternative to Conjured memberships app.

Appstle has easy-to-use functionalities

When eCommerce businesses invest in software and technology, they must ensure their team members can learn, understand, and use the app efficiently. Otherwise, they won’t be able to maximize their investment.


For example, your team members should be able to reach out to your membership app vendor for minor problems or all tasks they need to perform. It’s a waste of time. Instead, your team members should be able to perform many tasks independently.


And that’s why it’s critical to choose the best Shopify membership app with easy-to-use functionalities.


And that’s where Appstle can help you with these unique features:

  • Create and manage unlimited membership plans
  • Manage various membership perks
  • Efficient dunning and cancellation management to reduce churn
  • Customizable member portal
  • Real-time management of membership functions
  • Hands-on 24/7/365 customer support

Appstle offers seamless integrations

eCommerce stores have many back-end and front-end functions. To ensure these functions run smoothly, Shopify sites might need to integrate other apps and tools. Appstle Memberships and Loyalty app offers unmatched integration abilities.


Here are some of Appstle’s integration-friendly features:

  • 24x7x365 support to merchants for a smooth integration process
  • Easily integrates with third-party apps
  • It makes it easy to expand features on your store

Appstle integrates different solutions such as checkout, payment gateway authorization, integrations with third-party Shopify apps, etc. For example, Appstle memberships app integrates with Affiliater, Growave, Discounted Pricing, Loyalty Lion, PageFly, Klaviyo, Yotpo, and Zapier, among others.


In addition, Appstle provides customized integrations, meaning if there’s a specific app that your Shopify store would like on your memberships business, Appstle’s technical team will go out of its way to make the integration happen.

Appstle provides an easy setup and migration from other apps

Another reason the Appstle Memberships and Loyalty app is a better Conjured Membership alternative is the ease with which it can be set up. Whether you want to set up a new membership business or migrate from an existing membership app, Appstle offers the most comprehensive features.


The app can be easily set up in less than 10 minutes. In addition, it has in-depth integration features, which seamlessly integrate with your Shopify store and theme. eCommerce businesses at the growth and scaling stage require software solutions that can scale with their goals. And that’s where Appstle’s easy migration feature comes in—Shopify stores using alternate membership apps have migrated to Appstle without any hurdles.

Appstle enhances the end-customer experience

For eCommerce businesses, selecting a membership app designed with their end customers at the center is essential. So while the membership tool must make the Shopify merchants’ processes streamlined and straightforward, the tool shouldn’t neglect the end-customer experience.


Here are some Appstle features that positively impact the end customers’ experience:

  • Pricing of the membership
  • The types of perks you offer
  • Flexibility for customers
  • Building connections (between brand and customer)
  • Exclusivity aspect—customers want to belong to a community
  • Self-managed member portal
  • Personalized email notifications

The above are some of the factors that contribute to enhancing the end-customer experience, and Appstle Memberships and Loyalty App ensures them.

Are you ready to migrate to Appstle from Conjured?

Whether you’re introducing a membership model in your business or want to shift from your current membership app to a more efficient alternative, Appstle Memberships and Loyalty app has the expertise and experience to manage all Shopify membership businesses. So if you’re looking for an alternative to Conjured Membership, Appstle is your go-to app!


Install Appstle Membership and Loyalty app on your Shopify store today.

As Seen On

“A strong e-commerce presence is more of a necessity today, and Appstle has made it possible by offering sound solutions and functionalities.” 

– USA Today


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