Appstle | Appstle vs Simplee Memberships

Appstle Membership

Appstle | Appstle vs Simplee Memberships

Simplee Membership

An Alternative To Simplee Memberships

Why Appstle Memberships & Loyalty is better

There’s intense competition in the eCommerce market. And businesses are not leaving any stone unturned to increase sales. 

One business model that’s being adopted by eCommerce businesses is memberships. 

Whether it’s online streaming (Netflix) or the B2B SaaS industry, almost every brand is trying its hand at memberships. 

But to run a thriving membership business, you require an efficient membership app—and that’s where Appstle Memberships and Loyalty app comes in.

Appstle Memberships and Loyalty App ranks no. 1 among Shopify and Shopify Plus membership apps.


Whether you’re about to launch your membership business or want to shift from your existing membership app, Appstle is one of the best membership apps for Shopify.


That is why many merchants are moving from other apps to Appstle. For example, many merchants find the capabilities of membership apps such as Simplee limiting and hence want to migrate to Appstle.

Simplee vs. Appstle – A snapshot


Appstle Memberships

Simplee Memberships

Comprehensive features

Easy-to-use functionalities

Efficient customer support

Effective onboarding and
easy migrations

Seamless app integrations

Advanced discounting and perks

Customized perks for different plans

High customer-centric approach

0% transaction or per member fee

Multiple pricing tiers covering
Enterprises and SMBs


What is a membership business?

A membership business model provides members (customers) premium services, special access to products, and perks. Many membership plans have a fee—customers pay a recurring fee to keep their membership going and avail of the perks.


One of the best examples of membership models in the eCommerce industry is Amazon Prime. Its members receive unlimited free, fast delivery on products, video streaming, ad-free music, exclusive access to deals, and more.


Running a successful membership business on your Shopify store requires an efficient app. There are many apps in the market, but few have comprehensive capabilities to help businesses grow.


In this blog, we’ll learn how Appstle Membership and Loyalty app compares with Simplee.

What is Simplee membership?

Simplee Memberships app enables membership perks and discounts, boosts loyalty, and more. Among the features of the app are:


  • Recurring billing
  • Members-only content and tags
  • Automatic member discount codes
  • POS integration
  • Failed credit card payment retries
  • Free trial
  • One-time payments

However, the above features aren’t enough for most Shopify stores that are at the growth and scaling stage. And that’s why Appstle is a better alternative to Simplee memberships.

What is Appstle Membership & Loyalty app?

Appstle Memberships and Loyalty app is an end-to-end solution for membership business models. The app helps set up membership plans on Shopify, multiple perks, and automated billing, among other features that help increase customer loyalty.


Here are the other compelling features of the app that make it the best Shopify memberships app:


  • Easy to access and integrate into your Shopify store
  • Easy migration from other apps (V1 and V2), supports 2.0 themes
  • Integrates with other apps such as subscriptions, loyalty, and discounted pricing
  • Compliant with GDPR, PIPEDA, and data privacy regulations
  • Offers customized pricing
  • 24×7 support from dedicated engineers via chat or Zoom

Appstle VS Simplee — which is the best membership app for Shopify?

Multiple types of membership plans

eCommerce stores have different types of customers with various requirements. And so, brands may need to offer multiple types of membership plans.


Appstle allows merchants to create customized membership plans. This means you don’t have to offer a standard membership plan to all your customers. Instead, you can create multiple plans tailored to your different customer segments.


And this can help businesses do a lot more to generate revenue. For example, say you’re a B2B SaaS company with customers of all sizes—big and small businesses.


Big businesses might need an enterprise-level plan with advanced features to serve a more significant number of customers, while small companies may require something simpler.


This is possible with the Appstle Memberships and Loyalty app. In comparison, Simplee offers its customers a limited number of membership plans, which do not allow them to offer highly customized plans to the end customer.


Appstle offers five membership plans:

  1. Free
  2. Starter
  3. Business
  4. Enterprise
  5. Enterprise Plus

In comparison, Simplee offers just three plans:

  1. Starter
  2. Growth
  3. Enterprise

Appstle enables various membership perks

Memberships are all about perks. The perks you offer should excite and attract customers. Otherwise, they’re not going to join or stick around for long.


When customers become members, they expect something exclusive. Becoming a member is a status for customers; hence, you have to ensure they find the perks valuable.


Appstle offers two types of perks—exclusive membership access and discounts. Here are some of the perks offered by Appstle:


  • Exclusive access to specific product pages
  • Exclusive access to specific blog pages
  • Exclusive access to specific collection pages
  • Free shipping
  • Percentage discount
  • Fixed amount discount
  • Free gifts on sign-up

In comparison, Simplee does not offer all the above perks. For example, Simplee does not offer a free gift upon membership sign-ups.

Better customer engagement

Membership tools should not only serve the Shopify business but should be designed to keep the end customers in mind. After all, the Shopify business can succeed only if its customers are happy.


Appstle Memberships and Loyalty app not only provides comprehensive features for merchants but also brings benefits to the end-customers.


For example, exclusivity helps end customers feel happy and special, leading to better customer engagement and experience.


Another benefit to the end customers is savings by way of discounts. Appstle offers different kinds of discounts to members, such as percentage discounts, fixed amount discounts, etc.


Moreover, Appstle features allow end customers to control multiple aspects of their memberships; for example, they can upgrade to a higher membership plan, switch between plans, and enjoy better perks.

Easily integrates with other tools

There’s a lot that goes into running a successful membership business model. However, the competition is increasing, with most eCommerce brands adding memberships to their suite.


Brands have to keep up with the features their competitors are offering. And that is why Shopify businesses must integrate many different tools on the site.


Moreover, in the growth and scaling phase, brands may need to integrate other third-party apps into their store.


Appstle has dedicated integration teams to ensure a smooth transition for its customers. Throughout the process, its support team is available 24×7 to provide hand-holding support to merchants.


Appstle easily integrates with back-end and front-end tools such as Shopify Checkout, all payment gateways authorized by Shopify for memberships, among other third-party apps—Affiliater, Discounted Pricing, Growave, Loyalty Lion, PageFly, Klaviyo, Yotpo, and Zapier.


In comparison, Simplee has limitations when it comes to integrations. The app’s third-party integration base is not too impressive. For example, Simplee does not integrate with MailChimp, an emailing tool most businesses use.


Appstle, on the other hand, offers customized integrations, too. If a tool is not on the integration list, the support team doesn’t hesitate to go out of the way to make the integration happen.


Here are some of Appstle’s integration-friendly features:


  • 24x7x365 support to merchants for a smooth integration process
  • Easily integrates with third-party apps
  • It makes it easy to expand features on your store

Here’s what an Appstle customer said about its integration capabilities:

Appstle | Appstle vs Simplee Memberships

Seamless set up and migration from other apps

Appstle offers the most comprehensive features for membership. And considering that the ease of its set-up process is commendable.


The app can be easily set up in less than 10 minutes. Moreover, it has in-depth integration features, which means it seamlessly integrates with your Shopify store and theme.


As Shopify brands grow and scale, they need digital solutions that can scale with them. If not, they’d need to migrate from their current tools to more efficient ones.


When a business transitions from one app to the other, the process must be smooth and fast so that its current business activities are not disrupted.


This is another reason why Appstle Memberships and Loyalty app is a better alternative to Simplee Memberships.


Here’s what an Appstle customer said:

Appstle | Appstle vs Simplee Memberships

Appstle offers competitive pricing

Software solutions are a considerable investment for brands. And hence, businesses want to invest in tools that are affordable and offer value for money.


This is where Appstle wins over Simplee and hence is one of the best Shopify membership apps.


To begin with, let’s look at the pricing plans of Appstle and Simplee.


Appstle pricing:

Appstle | Appstle vs Simplee Memberships

Simplee pricing:

Appstle | Appstle vs Simplee Memberships
  • Appstle offers five different plans compared to Simplee, which offers only three
  • Appstle customers can choose a plan that is suitable to their budget, business size, and needs
  • Starting from a free plan to one that merchants can customize to their Shopify business needs—Appstle’s five pricing options make it easy for merchants to make decisions
  • Simplee’s Enterprise plan is more than 3x more expensive than Appstle’s Enterprise plan
  • Appstle does not charge any transaction fee. All plans of Simplee charge a transaction fee

Appstle Membership and Loyalty app’s pricing makes it one of the best alternatives to Simplee membership.

Are you ready to set-up/ migrate to Appstle Memberships and Loyalty?

A large number of Appstle customers are merchants migrating from other membership platforms, such as Simplee. With our hands-on experience and expertise, we’ve undertaken many migrations from different membership tools to Appstle.

If you’re looking for an efficient alternative solution for Shopify Memberships, reach out to us. Conversely, you could easily install Appstle Memberships and Loyalty on your Shopify store.

As Seen On

“A strong e-commerce presence is more of a necessity today, and Appstle has made it possible by offering sound solutions and functionalities.” 

– USA Today


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