Appstle | Appstle vs Subify Subscriptions

Appstle Subscriptions

Appstle | Appstle vs Subify Subscriptions

Subify Subscriptions

An Alternative to Subify Subscriptions

Why Appstle Subscriptions Is The Best Alternative to Subify Subscriptions

Ecommerce subscriptions have changed how consumers buy products and services, especially recurring purchases. 


For Shopify merchants, managing subscriptions can be quite a challenge—from customer management to billing to invoicing, and promotions, there is a lot to manage smoothly. And let’s be honest, there can be roadblocks.


However, having an efficient subscriptions app for your Shopify store can eliminate most of your challenges. 


If you are on the lookout for alternatives to Subify Subscriptions app, you’re in for a treat with Appstle Subscriptions. 


Here, we introduce you to Appstle Subscriptions app and how it can enhance your Shopify subscription experience. 


And if you’re wondering why you must care about exploring Appstle, here’s why — Appstle is the number one choice among subscription apps for Shopify. It is the only app in the subscriptions category with 5-star ratings.

Now, let’s understand why Shopify merchants are exploring Subify Subscription alternatives, and discover what makes Appstle a better choice.

Subify vs. Appstle – A snapshot


Appstle Subscriptions

Subify Subscriptions

Easy migration

Efficient customer support

Flexibility to add new functionalities

Comprehensive features

Customer engagement features

Integrated checkout with Shopify checkout

0% transaction fee

Multiple pricing tiers covering
Enterprises and SMBs

High customer-centric approach

What is Appstle Subscription app?

Appstle Subscriptions is a Shopify app that makes setup and management of subscriptions easy for your business. The app is designed to offer advanced features that help Shopify stores increase revenue and scale their subscription revenue model. The app makes merchants’ work easier and end-customers’ experience enjoyable.


Here are some of the features:

  • Effortless setup
  • Automated notifications
  • Upselling to boost sales 
  • Multi-tier discounts improving customer retention
  • Cancellation management
  • Real-time performance tracker
  • Variety of subscription plan types
  • Product swap/delete
  • One-time product inclusion
  • Auto billing
  • Language and currency customization
  • Recapture failed transactions
  • One-off discount codes

With Appstle, you’ve got all the ingredients for a successful subscription business, right at your fingertips.

Appstle | Appstle vs Subify Subscriptions
Appstle | Appstle vs Subify Subscriptions

What is Subify Subscription app?

Subify is a subscriptions app built for Shopify stores. Some of the features the app boasts of are, personalized platform and URL branding, premium customer support, fully managed services, custom platform branding, among others.

Why Appstle Subscription is the best subscription app?

Think of your Shopify subscriptions app as the foundation of your online subscription business. It has to be easy to set up, use, and manage. At the same time, be highly efficient, help you meet your subscription business goals, and keep your customers coming back to you for more. The good news is, there’s a Shopify app that checks off all these aspects. In this section, we deep dive into why Appstle is considered a better alternative to Subify subscriptions.

Customer support

High-quality customer support is the key to keeping customers loyal to your brand. 93% of customers prefer to make repeat purchases from companies that provide excellent customer support.


With the subscription market getting more crowded, it’s the customer support game that really separates good brands from the mediocre ones. When it comes to customer service, Appstle takes the cake over Subify subscriptions. To get a peek at what some of the Shopify merchants who use Appstle think of the app, read this review:


There are many reasons why Appstle’s customer support is said to be better than its alternative Subify’s. Here are some reasons:


  • Appstle offers human-to-human customer support experience, not automated chatbots
  • Appstle’s dedicated support team provides high-efficiency service, making merchants’ lives easier
  • Merchants can contact Appstle support via a live chat widget
  • Appstle support is available to merchants 24/7/365
  • Appstle provides highly-efficient technical support to help merchants

Easy of adding new functionalities

The eCommerce app landscape is always changing with new upgrades and advanced features. How quickly you can adapt to the changes and upgrade your digital tools can make or break your business. That’s because consumers expect brands to provide the best shopping experiences.

Appstle aces this race against its alternative, Subify subscriptions. With Appstle Subscriptions, you can add new functionalities and features easily. 

Why Appstle is a better alternative to Subify?

  • With Appstle, you can easily set up build-a-box or box subscriptions
  • Helps with functions related to inventory forecasting and custom shipping
  • Email notification automated functions
  • Get excellent support by Appstle technical teams to add new functions

Subify Subscriptions app too, has a broad range of features, including easy integrations, customer flexibility, etc., but for the fast-paced world of subscriptions, you might need a fast and efficient app such as Appstle.

Ease and convenience

In the fast-paced world of eCommerce subscriptions, your subscription app should make complex processes seem simple. That’s what Appstle does. The app is all about simplifying processes, so you can focus on the more strategic tasks.


Appstle helps you set up a subscription model on your Shopify store easily and quickly. Whether you’re launching subscriptions for the first time or are looking for an alternative to Subify, Appstle has the capabilities.


Appstle’s dedicated migration team, armed with expert knowledge and experience, ensures a smooth transition from other apps to Appstle, without disrupting your business. What is more, Appstle has a user-friendly design. Clean and intuitive. The app makes data from various features easily accessible.


In addition, Appstle Subscriptions app has all the tools to automate repetitive tasks, eliminating tedious tasks and improving efficiency for you.

Fees and pricing

Here’s the reality — when you’re new to the subscription business, it can be hard to figure out the pricing, fees, and charges for your business. The charges have to make sense for your business goals, sales expectations, and should be carefully thought about before committing to a subscriptions tool.


Appstle understands the importance of transparency in pricing, hence, there are no hidden charges and clear mention of all costs. Appstle offers five different plans so businesses of all sizes can choose what suits their needs. And when their needs change, they can easily upgrade or downgrade the plans.


Pricing is another area where Appstle has an advantage over alternatives such as Subify. Here’s a look at Appstle Subscription plans and pricing: 

Appstle | Appstle vs Subify Subscriptions

Appstle allows different types of subscriptions

There are various types of subscriptions, for example, build-a-box, replenishment model, curation, bargain or access subscription model, fixed subscription model, etc. Appstle ensures businesses have the flexibility and options to create many different types of subscriptions, based on their customers’ requirements.

This is another reason why merchants prefer Appstle as an alternative to Subify. If your current app is not able to offer you multiple options for types of subscriptions, it can be limiting for your business and you may not have the freedom to match your subscription to your business needs.

Appstle offers customer retention capabilities

It’s hard to acquire customers. And extremely easy to lose them. One failed payment towards a subscription, and they may never return. 


So, if you’re not on top of your game by automating customer retention and sale retention strategies, you would find it hard to sustain your Shopify subscription business. 


But Appstle has you covered with its customer retention features:


  • Customizable cancellation flowautomate steps in the cancellation process to change customers’ minds and retain them
  • Cancellation questionnaire – know why customers discontinued for your subscriptions
  • Intuitive features – the app’s quick-action features take actions to keep the churn rate in check
  • Payment failed notification – send timely notifications to customers, nudge them to try one more time or prompt another payment method


Whether you’re a Shopify merchant using the subscription tool or the end customer, flexibility is a prerequisite. Digital businesses that lack flexibility could face limitations, leading to customer dissatisfaction and cancellations. 


That’s where Appstle comes in again with unmatched flexibility, making it a preferred alternative to Subify subscriptions app. Here are some of the app’s flexibility features:


  • Personalized customer experience: Appstle’s intuitive dashboard features make it easy for brands to customize functionalities and create personalized customer experiences
  • Customized shipping profiles: Appstle allows merchants to create customized shipping profiles for customers, based on location, product weight, order value, etc. 
  • CSS customization: Appstle enhances customization with the ability to fine-tune CSS and functions from the dashboard
  • Easy subscriptions management: Simple management of complex systems, directly from product pages and merchant portal, saving time and customer satisfaction
  • Streamlined operations: Efficient management of subscriptions helps streamline operations

Appstle Subscriptions: The preferred Subify Subscription alternative

If you’re on the lookout for the best alternative to Subify Subscription, Appstle is your best bet. Whether you’re launching a new subscription service or looking to seamlessly migrate from your current app to a better option, Appstle Subscription has you covered.

Get in touch with Appstle Subscription to explore the app and to understand how it can help grow your business with its comprehensive features, intuitive design, and much more.

Install Appstle Subscription on your Shopify store.

As Seen On

“A strong e-commerce presence is more of a necessity today, and Appstle has made it possible by offering sound solutions and functionalities.” 

– USA Today


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