May 2022

Appstle | Keep Shopify Memberships Refresh for Customer Engagement

Keep Shopify Memberships Refresh for Customer Engagement

Ecommerce memberships can tend to get boring and repetitive for customers after a point. Unless, you strongly convey to the customer the value your store’s membership has to offer.  It’s just like how items purchased on a recurring basis can tend to seem humdrum. Customers won’t buy your product again and again, unless they see […]

Keep Shopify Memberships Refresh for Customer Engagement Read More »

Appstle | Why Appstle has a dedicated migration team, made of engineering experts? Answer: Demand!

Why Appstle has a dedicated migration team, made of engineering experts? Answer: Demand!

1. Introduction AppstleSM, Inc., a Silicon Valley-based e-commerce solutions provider focused on customer loyalty/retention and wallet share spaces, has 2 top apps on Shopify and Shopify Plus, at the time of writing this article. They are Appstle Subscriptions (# 1 in the Shopify subscriptions category) and Appstle Memberships (# 1 in the Memberships and Loyalty category). 

Why Appstle has a dedicated migration team, made of engineering experts? Answer: Demand! Read More »

Appstle | Understanding how do price ecommerce store memberships, for ‘your’ members to find value in it.

Understanding how do price ecommerce store memberships, for ‘your’ members to find value in it.

In Lesson 1 in this series, we discussed all about membership perks and how to create the best perks relevant to your customers. Once your membership perks are decided, the next step is to decide how to price the perks, or the store membership. The price of memberships is a key factor that can make

Understanding how do price ecommerce store memberships, for ‘your’ members to find value in it. Read More »

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