appstle guide

Appstle | How To Turn One-Time Holiday Shoppers Into Repeat Customers

How To Turn One-Time Holiday Shoppers Into Repeat Customers

Getting new customers to make purchases on your site is one of the biggest challenges in the eCommerce world. Especially so during the holiday sale season.  And when you manage to close a sale, you must do everything it takes to make sure your one-time shoppers come back to your store. It’s a mammoth task, […]

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Appstle | Different types of Shopify customer loyalty programs

Different types of Shopify customer loyalty programs

In an industry where the competition is steadily increasing, customer engagement and retention is a constant struggle for eCommerce businesses. But the one strategy you do see them set in place to address the same is a Shopify customer loyalty program.  So, are all customer loyalty programs a success?  No.  Not every eCommerce business sees

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Appstle | A Complete Guide to Consumer Electronics Subscriptions

A Complete Guide to Consumer Electronics Subscriptions

The subscription business model, which offers consumers recurring access to products and services for an often subsidized fee, has become a key marketing strategy for various industries, including consumer electronics. Many people’s first experiences with digital subscriptions started with Netflix, Youtube, Spotify, and other streaming services. For some, it was the VIP experience that subscriptions

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Appstle | Unlocking the Power of Customer Lifetime Value (CLV): 7 Strategies to Boost Your eCommerce Store's Success

Unlocking the Power of Customer Lifetime Value (CLV): 7 Strategies to Boost Your eCommerce Store’s Success

In today’s fiercely competitive eCommerce landscape, retaining customers has become a key challenge for brands. With a plethora of options available to consumers, loyalty can shift swiftly. However, customer retention is the driving force behind consistent business growth and profitability. This is where Customer Lifetime Value (CLTV) takes center stage. CLTV represents the projected value

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Appstle | 8 Fail-proof Loyalty Marketing Strategies to Boost Customer Retention

8 Fail-proof Loyalty Marketing Strategies to Boost Customer Retention

In the cutthroat arena of eCommerce, the race isn’t just about winning customers—it’s about keeping them.  An intriguing fact from Bain & Company and Harvard Business School highlights the goldmine in customer retention—a mere 5% increase can inflate profits by an impressive 25% to 95%. Loyal customers aren’t just loyal—they’re 50% more adventurous in trying

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Appstle | Complete Guide to Mystery Boxes in the Ecommerce Subscription Industry

Complete Guide to Mystery Boxes in the Ecommerce Subscription Industry

The e-commerce subscription industry has experienced remarkable growth in recent years, with the global subscription box market, including mystery boxes, reaching a staggering value of USD of USD 26.9 billion in 2022.  As the world of e-commerce evolves and expands, subscription boxes have emerged as an exciting trend, captivating the curiosity of consumers worldwide. These

Complete Guide to Mystery Boxes in the Ecommerce Subscription Industry Read More »

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